I have new purchases, but not pics yet. My mom and aunt wanted to see what I had so far, so it's all packed neatly for ease of bringing it for my Easter visit with my family! I've gone through it all with them both already... So, I'm not unpacking it again until I get home! Lazy? Maybe! :)
I had high hopes for blogging on Friday... but Kevin got out of work an hour early so we could leave earlier... then we still didn't get on the road until 6! EEK! I guess it would have been 7 if he hadn't gotten out early though. So, it still worked out! Luckily for me, his Fridays are pretty slow! No one cares about their IT issues when they want to leave for the weekend... especially a holiday weekend!
We finally got on the road, but then stopped about 90 minutes into the 4 hour trip for a quick walk through Babies R Us! We have a Toys R Us with a small baby section, but not actual Babies R Us! It was nice... but nothing terribly special that I can't get closer to home. They just seem to have more colors of everything, but not really anything especially different... if that makes sense! Like... They have the same pram in 8 different colors/patterns... whereas we might have it in 3 colors/patterns. But, nothing really different... just more of the same thing. Now I'm rambling! Oh well!
I've picked out a few more things that I haven't bought yet. Namely, I've decided on my walker (or walker type thing) and crib bedding!
This is the walker (or walker type thing)... Its the Bright Starts Around We Go Activity Station! Considering that my house is somewhat less than an open floor plan (1920's bungalow style with lots of original oak built-ins and tons of doors)... then combine that with a plethora of antiques, breakables, family heirlooms, and stairs... I'm not very keen on the idea of a walker that rolls freely through the house. So, this... This is GREAT! It still builds walking skills... It entertains... The various activities would be motivation to move around... and its stationary! I know the biggest complaint I hear from parents/caretakers of babies who are "walker" age is that you can look away for 2 seconds and the baby is in to something s/he shouldn't be! Not with this little beauty!
And, this is my crib bedding! I first saw it last week in an ad for a crib... with no info on the bedding! That all but drove me mad... not knowing what the only bedding I've ever really liked was called or where I could get it! But, we found it... "Bali" by Cocalo! My amazing husband thought to check the Bed, Bath, & Beyond website, and there it was!!! This was really exciting right up until I realized it was around $70 more than all the other bedding I've looked at! Hell, its as much as my crib! But, I want it... So I shall have it! I actually really love the diaper stacker and mobile that goes with it too!
I got to snuggle my cousin's little girl today for the first time in well over a month... maybe more! She's just about 8 months old.... and I was worried she'd be a bit "Who the hell are you? Put me down!" since I've not been able to spend much time with her since I live 250 miles away. But, I walked in and she grabbed on to my neck and put her head on my shoulder as soon as my aunt handed her over. She supposedly difficult to keep happy... but she just held on and snuggled with me for a good 15-20 minutes. Then, I fed her a whole jar of macaroni and cheese with vegetables even though I was told she wasn't eating well because she was cutting teeth! She seemed plenty interested in eating! She would open her mouth every time I said "Bite?" It was SUPER cute! Then, I changed her diaper and got her dressed for the day! By then, she had lost interest in being doted over and preferred being in her walker and trying to get into things she shouldn't! LOL But, it was time to meet my parents for lunch... so that was my aunt's (her grandma) problem!
I don't have much else to report. I don't feel too awful, which is both fortunate and unfortunate! I'm peeing a bit more than normal... but I've also had more fluids today than usual. So, its probably entirely unrelated! Boobs still ache and I'm exhausted... I've been exhausted all day! Still having to hold back tears for no reason, and I was having hot flashes earlier! Its funny that my mom and I was both get them for utterly opposite reasons! :)
Yep! That's it! My next post should come quicker than this one did!
Love & Hugs!
Megg ♥
Your walker thing is cute!! :)
ReplyDeleteI dont think you would have to worry about walkers that move around the house, because they are illegal (at least they are in canada). The only time you will ever find them is at a garage sale, but you cannot buy them new in stores. Havent been able to for more than 10 years I believe. Too many stair accidents/deaths
They're definitely not illegal here! They're still readily available! How strange!!! It's practically impossible to find stationary ones here... So, that's why I didn't know what my family would think about it. But, mom loved it. My aunt thought it was mean! LOL