Tuesday, March 23, 2010

An Introduction!

My name is Megg. My husband is Kevin. We're both 29, and have been working on starting a family (off and on) for a few years. We were delighted in October of last year when I got a positive pregnancy test. But, at my 10 week appointment, all the sonographer found was a gestational sac measuring 5w2d. She thought I should be really happy, because I was trying to get pregnant and the ultrasound showed that I was. She didn't seem to care that I knew things were terribly wrong. But, I got follow-up for the next week and (of course) it showed no new growth. The sonographer was the only one in the room who was surprised. So, I took the pills to get things moving since my body wasn't doing it on its own... and then back to trying!

Cycle Zero (the days following a miscarriage bleed before the first actual period after it) was a HUGE mind-trip! It dragged on and on and on! No sign of my period. No sign of a 2nd line on tests. I knew in my heart that I wasn't pregnant again... but I had to wait and see what would happen. Well, it never showed on its own. So, eventually, I took pills again to bring it on.

I had never been so happy to get my period! And, I went into Cycle One (starting Feb 19) with a VERY positive attitude! I was taking Soy Isoflavones (200mg CD5-9)... and I just knew it would be my cycle! The Soy did its thing. Ovulation came right on time! I felt like it was good and strong based on the very welcomed pain! LOL My temperatures were the best I'd ever seen... mostly! I had a few dips that drove me to near insanity! I just knew I was out a few times... but somewhere inside I had a feeling.

I was having strange dreams, craving milk, had an achy back and hips... all very peculiar! Then I started to get some very familiar feelings in my lower abdomen that I was happy to be feeling! Then, on March 21 (just a few days ago), I got another positive test! It was faint, but definitely there. And, now that its dry... There is NO mistake! :)

I honesty never thought it would happen for me again. I just couldn't be that lucky twice! But, here I am! I'm about 4.5 weeks based on ovulation date... and not a hitch yet! Of course, I can't see what's going on in there... but things feel as if they're going well enough. I have plenty of little twingy feelings... achy boobs... ability to sleep wicked amounts of time! Just hoping my little Soy Bean sticks around this time!

That's about all I have for the moment! There's only so much that can be said at 4w4d pregnant! But, I'm trying to be hopeful... and I don't want to miss a single thing this time!

Until next time!



  1. Welcome to the world of Baby blogging!!!

    You know I totally forgot that this is your first cycle after the MC

  2. YAY! Another blog! This is way too exciting! :D

  3. Yeah, I forget sometimes too! I mean, it's been 3 months! But first actual cycle! It's kind of exciting! :)

    Thanks for reading, girls! Mad love to you! ♥
