Sunday, March 28, 2010

Super Quick...

Opinions Needed!

Cocoa Oval (available immediately in a store)

Blue Vines (available through the internet)

Which do I want? If the bottom one was brown instead of navy blue, there would be no discussion. If the top one didn't have orange on it, there would also be no discussion! But, that's not the case, and J.J. Cole isn't going to make one just for me! LOL I lean slightly toward the bottom one, but also lean slightly towards "I DON'T LIKE TO WAIT!!!" So, I have to have help here! Poll to the right! Please answer! More specific advice can be added as a comment!


  1. If it were me....I would wait and order the green one.
    It is my favourite of the 2.

  2. Thanks, hun! I think I'm probably going to end up with the red one though... I don't think I can handle the wait! LOL I do honestly like the green/blue one better... but I don't know if I like it so much better that I'm willing to wait on it! If it was pink... no contest! LOL
